Hygienic equipment

The machine is designated for boots cleaning when entering in or going out of working areas. It consists of five brushes with an independent motor-gear each, a corpus with stеps and parapets, injecting system of washing agent, automatic injector dosing of washing concentrate, control block. The machine is activated by a sensor button. The cleaning process is controlled by time or by a sensor button. A gate or turn style can be integrated at the exit. The machine complies with the Council Directives No. 2006/42/EC and 2006/95/EC and USDA regulations.
Power supply V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50 Control voltage V 24 DC Installed power kW ~ 1.2 Water supply bar min 2 Water outlet mm Ø50 Weight kg ~ 120 Passing time sec 5-6 -
12.1200.00 – with turn style•
12.1100.00 – non passing•
12.2070.01 – pass-through, with sole and boot cleaning
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